Press release
For immediate release
Launching of Net Energy Metering Savings Calculator & Environment Carbon Footprint Calculator, at SEDA Open Day, to help Investors to estimate Solar System Size on their roof top for Electricity Bill Savings and Environment Benefits like CO2 Reduction

Penang, Malaysia – 8 Nov 2018 — Carbon Footprint Calculator was unveiled at SEDA Open Day. It serves as an example of Maqo Solar commitment to promote the country NEM Solar Awareness and Adoption in Malaysia.
This is a free, web-based tool to help investors and policymakers identify potential sites for solar power generation in Malaysia, at the click of a button.
The United Nation Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has published a special report on 8 Oct 2018 warned that we have just 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe.
The planet is in crisis. It’s up to us to fix it. We urge investors to take the first step with the NEM Solar Calculator & Environmental Footprint Calculator.
It will really surprise us that we produce huge amount of CO2 in everyday life. For instance, CO2 and other emissions are produced when we drive a car, turn on the air conditioning, cooking, working, celebrating or flying. now provide individual and corporate to check their residential houses, shops, commercial buildings, government premises, universities, hospital and factories roof top and estimate the solar system size to be installed and apply to SEDA for Net Energy Metering. This will help to compensate and reduce carbon emissions to our planet. And also save millions of dollars on electricity bills.
This green investment will contribute towards achieving the Malaysia Renewable Energy target of 2% to 20% by year 2025.
This NEM Net Energy Metering Savings Calculator displays the solar system size, solar energy generation and make a compare between the annual electricity bill prior and after the solar installation, and shows the potential cost savings.
“We create tools to increase renewable energy awareness and provide investors & consumers with the information they need to make smart energy decisions, while saving the earth” said Mr Faizuri Bohari, COO of Maqo Solar. “The interactive platform uses interactive satellite map to estimate the technical potential of roof in Malaysia for Solar Project deployments”
Maqo wish to collaborate with stakeholders to further enhance the platform to help authorities to assess different geographical areas, to discover the enormous untapped potential areas for solar power installations. We are confident that this will help local councils and the electricity industry plan for the solar future.
“NEMsolarMalaysia aims to empower investors and consumers with information they need to make a decision how much solar they can install, and how much they will save when they do” said Mr K. K. Kong, CEO of Maqo Solar
This initiative is fully supported by SEDA Malaysia whereby this new tool will assist consumers to obtain an initial indication of solar system sizing on roof before carrying out their own more detailed analysis.
There is a surge of interest from investors in solar power as a result of the dramatic cost decreases over the past few years. Plus the recent improved Net Energy Metering mechanism of “one-on-one” calculation as announced by YB Yeo Bee Yin, Minister of Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC), we hope that the NEMsolarMalaysia Calculator will help inform the crucial planning and investment decisions of investors.
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Company Information
The Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia is a statutory body formed under the Sustainable Energy Development Authority Act 2011 [Act 726]. The key role of SEDA is to administer and manage the implementation of the feed-in tariff mechanism which is mandated under the Renewable Energy Act 2011 [Act 725].
For more information about SEDA, please visit our website at
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Company Information
MAQO Solar is a full end-to-end service provider that help investors to transform their roof top with Solar System to generate clean renewable energy. We provide consulting, project management, design supply & installation, operation & maintenance service for residential, commercial, industrial and large scale solar farm projects.
We also provide solar leasing, private power purchase agreement (PPA) to qualified commercial and industrial corporates.
As a Energy Commission and SEDA registered company, we have experienced in-house SEDA GCPV Certified Engineers and Wireman. We provide quality products and services that comply to Malaysia and International Standards.
For more information about Maqo, please visit our website at
or email or call +603-8069-1706
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